• 19 May, 2024


    Programming Guides

    Explore the world of programming with our comprehensive collection of articles, tutorials, and resources. From beginner-friendly guides to advanced coding techniques, unlock the power of coding languages, frameworks, and best practices.
    Separate Number From String in Javascript [Full Guide]

    Separate Number From String in Javascript [Full Guide]

    If you're working with strings in JavaScript, you may need to remove numbers from them. Removing numbers from a string can be a bit tricky, but luckily there are several methods you can use to get the job done. This blog post will explain how to use regular expressions and native JavaScript methods to remove numbers from a string in JavaScript.

    Javascript: 3 Ways to Create Empty Function

    Javascript: 3 Ways to Create Empty Function

    If you’re a web developer, you might be wondering how to create empty functions in javascript. An empty function is one that doesn’t have any statements inside its code block. It’s simply a placeholder for later code. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to create empty functions in javascript, and in this blog post, we’ll explore five of them.

    Stopping Arduino Program (The Easy Way)

    Stopping Arduino Program (The Easy Way)

    Arduino programming is a fascinating world of creativity and innovation, but at times, you may need to stop or pause your Arduino program for various reasons. Whether it's to troubleshoot issues, add new functionality, or simply take a break from your project, knowing how to stop an Arduino program is a valuable skill.

    What is WhereIn in Laravel Eloquent Query?

    What is WhereIn in Laravel Eloquent Query?

    In the realm of web development, Laravel has established itself as one of the most popular PHP frameworks due to its elegant syntax, robust features, and developer-friendly tools. Among its plethora of functionalities, Laravel's Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) stands out for simplifying database interactions and making complex queries a breeze.

    How to Add Google Recaptcha Validation in Laravel

    How to Add Google Recaptcha Validation in Laravel

    Google reCAPTCHA is a powerful security tool that helps protect your Laravel 9 application from malicious bots and spammers. It provides a secure layer of protection that can be easily integrated into your application with minimal effort. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use Google reCAPTCHA to secure your Laravel 9 application and keep it safe from malicious users.

    How to Integrate Evocam Webcam into Your HTML Code

    How to Integrate Evocam Webcam into Your HTML Code

    Integrating an Evocam webcam into your HTML can be a daunting task for beginners. But with the right steps and knowledge, anyone can do it! In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you get started. We'll cover how to install the Evocam webcam, how to add the necessary HTML code to your webpage, and more.

    Best Practices to Make Migration with Laravel Model

    Best Practices to Make Migration with Laravel Model

    Migrations are a great way to keep your database up to date with the latest changes in your Laravel Model. Whether you are developing a new application or making changes to an existing one, laravel migrations can help you make sure that your data is up to date with the latest version of your model.

    Create a RESTful API in Laravel

    Create a RESTful API in Laravel

    We'll discuss why using a Rest API is so important, how to use the MVC pattern in Laravel, how to set up routing and authentication, and how to interact with the database. By the end of this tutorial, you will have all the knowledge you need to create a robust Laravel Rest API. So let's get started!

    What is Laravel Breeze & 6 Steps to Install it

    What is Laravel Breeze & 6 Steps to Install it

    Laravel Breeze is a lightweight and minimalistic starter kit for Laravel applications. It provides a simple authentication scaffolding with pre-built login, registration, email verification, password reset, and two-factor authentication. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Laravel Breeze in your Laravel project